I normally purchase my Rice Dream from Wal-Mart. First they stopped carrying the 64 oz and I began purchasing the 32 oz. Then they raised the price from $1.99 to $2.49 in one week. I wasn't too happy with the price, but I am allergic to dairy, soy, and have celiac disease and there are not that many options. I live in a small town and it is difficult for me to travel to anything like Trader Joe's or Whole Foods.
I tried to call the company and it is closed on Sunday. Then I went to their website, because I am so upset I wanted to vent. Hmmm their comment link doesn't work. Either they don't want to really hear from anyone or there are so many complaints it locked up their system. I searched to see if anyone else noticed the formula change. I didn't find anything current, which is why I am posting this, but I did discover they are not gluten free.
No wonder I have continued to have problems. I guess they have done me a favor by changing their formula. I will not be purchasing their products in the future, which will save me a lot of money. Thankfully, I have recently purchased the Nutribullet and I am going to make my own rice milk. I will let you know how it works out. I love my Nutribullet!
Homemade Rice Drink
I put 1/4 cup of cooked brown rice, 1 cup of RO filtered water. 1/4 t vanilla in the Nutribullet. It takes several blending cycles or you could strain the fine particles. It works for my needs and it is a fraction of the cost. It is not a sweet as the Rice Dream, but you could add rice syrup. I use "Metamucil Clear and Natural" which gives it an extra little sweetness.
I have found it thickens if you let it sit in the fridge, but hey it makes a great pudding.
I bought Rice Dream (organic) today and it was very watery and grey..with white lumps in it. Not good, especially since this stuff is not cheap. I therefore need to look for an alternative